Nehan Abdul Ghani
2 min readApr 2, 2021


#JustStart your Goals

Hi readers!

This time I will be sharing one of my goals. It is to get a job in my field i.e. Telecommunication and Networking. But no one can get a job without having knowledge. I am getting knowledge from university but wanted to learn something extra, something about recent trends. So, for that I got myself enrolled in an online course, i.e. INTRODUCTION TO CYBERSECURITY, CISCO certified.

I have the due time of 30 April 2021, I had to work very hard to complete it. The challenges I am facing are having a very busy schedule, university ongoing classes, FYP project work and updating every week to the teacher, Extracurricular activities in the university, and lastly online AMAL fellowship course too.


I just believed in myself that I CAN DO IT! I HAVE TO JUST START IT NOW! This week it was quite difficult to take this step of enrolling in a course with having so much stuff to do. This week I and my FYP group had to present our research work also in the IEEP student’s seminar and Alhamdulillah we were shortlisted in the top 9 among my university i.e. NED University and top 18 from overall engineering universities out of 42 research works.

I took the decision of enrolling in the new course because I had learned the success principle from AMAL Academy i.e. KAM KAM KAM. I took the initiative by AMAL realizing its needs and why it's necessary for me i.e. KHUDI and now doing it as KAM KAM KAM.

My next step will be to complete it by the end of this month and then continue learning something new and relevant to my field and goal. I pray to ALLAH SWT that may HE give us all enough strength, to get success in achieving our goals. AMEEN!

So, my dear readers, that’s all for now. Wishing you ALL THE VERY BEST for your future :)



#JustStartYourGoal now!

